
Ghost: Theme FAQ

Below are answers to our most frequently asked questions related to our themes and the Ghost platform. If you're answer is not found below or in the themes documentation please submit a new support ticket.

Q. The Google Analytics is not showing any user information, and states ‘Tracking Code not found’?

Allow atleast 24 hours and upto 72 hours for Google Analytics to begin showing information. If your tracking is not working after this time submit a new support ticket providing a link to your website/blog.

Q. Where can I find the unminified CSS and JS assets?

All SASS (CSS) and JS assets can be found in the themes '/src' directory. We use Sass for style-sheets, so any changes within these files must be compiled first before use within the theme. More information on Sass can be found on at http://sass-lang.com/.

Q. Post images appear zoomed in and/or distorted, how do I fix this?

If uploaded images are too small in size, or use an aspect ratio which is different from the recommended these images may appear distorted. More information on recommended image sizes for the theme can be found in the 'Featured Post' documentation section.

Q. I have found a bug or theme related issue, how do I report this?

If you have found a bug or theme related issue please submit a new support ticket. Provide as much information related to the issue as possible, such as screen-shots, any present error messages, device/OS/browser used, and a link to your blog/website if relevant.